BORN 12/22/24 - 1 MALE AVAILABLE - $2500 - UPDATED 1/11/25
Health clearances and Clear DNA Panels. Outstanding Pedigree. Dottie and Rex are both amazing hunting dogs with a great off switch for family time. Rex weighs 68lbs and Dottie is 65lbs.
These puppies will be great family and home companions as well as driven to perform in the hunting field.
Dottie has spent 6 months with the trainer working towards her Junior Hunter title and will be running in the spring 2025 hunt tests.
Rex has his Senior Hunter title and has elbows, hips, eyes, and heart certified, as well as other clearances. We expect this litter to have a desire to please, driven, and athletic. Excellent pedigree on both sides, with Champion, Senior, and Junior titles. 26 month guarantee on hips and elbows. Puppies come home with Limited AKC Registration at first. After the dog is 2 years old Full AKC Registration will be given at no additional cost once the dog has genetic panels and health certifications.